react interview questions and answers | react interview questions 2023-24

Q1) React Fragments:
React Fragments group elements without adding unnecessary nodes to the DOM, ideal for a clean JSX structure without extra parent divs.

Q2) React Hooks:
Specialized functions enabling state and advanced React features in functional components, surpassing class component limitations.

Q3) useEffect Hook:
Manages side effects in functional components, executing after each render for tasks like data fetching and DOM manipulations.

Q4) Keys in React list:
Optimize rendering by identifying list changes, additions, or removals without a full re-render.

Q5) Context API in React:
Efficiently passes data through the component tree, enhancing state or value sharing among components.

Q6) Prop drilling in React and Solution:
Address prop drilling with solutions like the Context API or Redux, enabling global state management.

Q7) PureComponent in React:
Foundational class preventing unnecessary renders, optimizing performance with selective updates.

Q8) React Router:
Standard library for seamless routing in React applications, enabling navigation without a full page reload.

Q9) React.memo function:
Optimizes functional components by memorizing results, preventing unnecessary re-renders with prop change comparisons.

Q10) Higher-order components in React:
Functions enhancing components for code reuse, commonly used for state management, authentication, and prop manipulation. Enhances modularity and maintainability.

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